Hybrid Vigor — an Amazed and Astounded Me

In the eighties I took all my earlier, darker attempts of visually documenting my life-discoveries to the dump, where I watched the scavengers come and take my “old” works. These people, poor and without any outside semblance of artistic taste, looked like pack rats scurrying off with leftover crumbs. The crumbs that were paintings made…

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Visionary Art, Explained (for a change)

Isn’t it interesting what you get when you ask the artist to “explain a piece”! I know no one would ever “get” this piece without my explanation, and that makes it even more thrilling to create (like sending secret prayers into the world, yes!). I’m intrigued by who is attracted to the subliminal stuff within a work, and who isn’t.

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In Spirit: New Ideas a-Tremblin’ in the Wind

Dear Friends, I was inspired to download on my iPhone a drawing app after seeing last week’s New Yorker cover by David Hockney, who does a drawing on his iPad or iPhone everyday. I’d never even thought of that! Wow, so rush rush to the app store, find a freebie, and voila! Here’s the first…

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hello friends! those of you who visit lordflea might wonder “what the heck happened to lordflea?” Well, life happened, that’s what. I’ve been immersed in many more duties away from the computer than usual, and today i’m making it my first priority to write about what’s happening. First Things First for me, today, is to…

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High in the Sky

Hi friends … Just back from a week of hiking, biking, playing music, swimming rivers (everything–but blogging! no email either! no TV, no news!), making new and hanging with old friends in Moab, Utah! What a great treat, and i’ll upload my pics asap, but for now, take my WORD for it–this is my song…

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spirituality is about … choices

a few people have expressed surprise because i choose to include the widget (a doo-hickey gizmo) on my blog which uploads interesting, varied, and random video clips that change almost daily (thanks to my mothership, WordPress.com). random … like … something about this weird, that makes one wonder what’s up huh?– if something makes one think,…

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will WONDERS never cease ? !

while driving through the busiest square of downtown Santiago, Chile recently, i saw something quite extraordinary. i didn’t have my camera ready when we whizzed by, in a taxi, and almost missed the sight, had it not been for our friend, Angel, an actor, to say, “Wow, look at that!” and point, so i turned just…

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