the miracle of goal-setting

today i completed the first draft of the nonfiction book i’ve been working on! wheeee!! it feels soooo good to finish something that has taken so long, has meant so much, and shows how important it is to make a goal…and stick to it.

i’m elated. feels kind of like this:

going for the goal...even if it seems impossible

going for the goal...even if it seems impossible

making goals for myself is something i’ve been doing for quite some time now. my consort Carter and I even do it, as a pair, besides the personal goals i set for myself.  sitting down and working out goals with a partner is a glorious way to feel very connected. our lives become a team effort.  every year around the winter solstice (dec. 21) we have made it a ritual to look over the goals we set the year before, see how we did, and create new goals for the upcoming year. we also sit down and do the same thing during each month, and at times of great happenings, we do it weekly.

setting goals help prioritize life’s many choices, that often seem so daunting, so overwhelming otherwise.

who can find a focus point in such chaos? without a goal (a.k.a, a clue) it's tricky

who can find a focus point in such chaos? without a goal (a.k.a, a clue) it's tricky

the above drawing shows a bird (look for the “4” and you’ll see him). he stands amid the fierce winds of choices galore. without a goal it’s easy to be blown away by life’s many choices, but setting goals, either personal or with a partner, or a job, a corporation, a nation…helps us sort out which winds to ride and which winds to ignore in our endeavors to complete our predetermined goals.

as a team. sometimes carter and i divide our goals into categories: mental, physical, spiritual. each aspect of the human condition is as important as the other. each deserves to be worked on, improved, given attention to.

when i decide i’m working on a new yoga asana, i often visualize how i will best achieve my goal, of empowering my body to harness my breath, and focus all my strength into a balancing, steadying position…that will improve my health, my mental stability, and my self esteem. when i teach others how to do yoga, i urge them to use mental pictures, too. here’s an example of how i teach the asana called tree pose, vikrasan:

when you see a person performing tree, this is what it looks like on the OUTSIDE:

vikrasana, as the pose appears on the outside

vikrasana, as the pose appears on the outside

but…properly done, and visualized…this is how the pose FEELS on the INSIDE:

the enormous power of tree pose! kali energy

the enormous power of tree pose! kali energy

for a while now i’ve been working on perfecting my handstand. this is how i visualize … getting help with handstand:

feel the energy, invisibly holding you up!

feel the energy, invisibly holding you up!

enjoy your goals.

if you want to find out more about how i work with goal setting, check out “mastermind” the method carter and i use to set our goals, created by a unity minister (but distilled from the AA twelve steps). please click here for more info:

other people have been using the mastermind method, thousands upon thousands, with great success. carter and i have been masterminding for over fifteen years! IT WORKS!!

in the Light, lordflea

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