First things First
You must think i’ve gone on permanent vacation, with not much action on ol’ lordflea sings, but, just to set your puzzling minds at ease, i’ve been finishing the last edit of my spiritual autobiography. Just yesterday i printed out the manuscript, and now my writing partner is reading it before i send it off, setting it out the door of my heart and mind, like a parent sending a child off into the world. Ahhhh, the journey of creativity is so diverse. First we “make up” something new, something original (a picture, a dance, a new translation, etc.) and then—here comes the HARD part—we find a place in which the public can share with the delight of our new discovery! “normal” people don’t really understand that process that we creative folk have to go through. First we work (okay, everyone does THAT) … then, we have to present our “work” to certain people who … horrors! … judge it good enough, or not—and then, and only after close scrutiny–it may or may not meet the standards of the day, the firm, the institution, or the “commercial” (ouch!) flavor of the moment to warrant becoming a PUBLICally accessible creation.
but everyone loves new thought, new creation–new new new! you’d think anything new would be embraced by publishers, wouldn’t you? Nope. They are very very cautious about what to print these days.
so here i am, back to blogging after a hiatus of several weeks. during that time, as i said earlier, consort Carter and i traveled to Utah, and upstate New York, and even hit the Big Apple. Here’s a few more delightful moments from our latest adventure, in which we got to spend time with so many wonderful people and see so many inspiring sights.
okay, for real now…here’s UTAH!! Moab, specifically, where the mountain bike trails are fabulous (people come to ride them from all over the world) as they’re ancient Native American Indian paths through the mesas, mountains and rocky red cliffs.
so many things in life pass us by…if we could only get closer, look more clearly…think outside the BOX — and see the way, the details, the MAGIC of what these people REALLY were looking at!
it always pays to take time and LOOK, and SEE, and FEEL, to discover the “hidden-away” secrets that all of life and all of Nature has to show us. Sometimes it’s a whisper, like the wind in our hair. Other times it’s as loud as a thunderclap of sudden change! Stop and join the rhythm of Nature, and spend some time thinking how close we are to the Dance of Nature.
we climbed up and stayed awhile, trying to absorb their meaning, their signs, their significance. What do you think? Don’t you think we could learn a little more from our Native Indian friends? Those ancients who thought (some still do, thank heaven!) that the Earth is ALIVE! and our role, as people, her children, her stewards, is to CARE for her. I do. Look closer…what do you see here among the glyphs?
i think this group of figures is about LOVE … what do you think?
these two agree with me …
it does the soul wonders to travel to new places, and absorb the flavor of an area. We love Moab!
next time: our trip to upstate New York, around Niagara.
in the Light my friends, keep it in the Light, lordflea