Hola de la Pura Vida—hello from the Pure Life
Friends, here I am in Costa Rica, surrounded by the primoridal sound of howler monkeys waking me up, the toucans chirping me to sleep, and the smiling faces of the people, los ticos, greeting me wherever i go. After working hard on first a novel, and then a nonfiction proposal, my brain needed nothing but total disconnect from the world of putting words together. Now is the time for rejuvenation, relaxation, and refreshing my commitment to helping others with my experiences. Everything is about connecting with the bigger picture, my friends. Nothing interests me more than the Mystery of Life, the magic moment of the Now, and the fact that we are all participating in an energy that connects us all—no matter where we are, or what we´re doing.
when i return to my own computer i´ll upload some nice pictures to share with all my readers. until then, please enjoy the past writings on my blog…there is a lot to share deep in previous entries of Lord Flea.
stay in the Light of Truth, enjoy the moment!
live, laugh, love, with your friend lordflea