Great News, my Friends!

Yes, the oil leak in the Gulf may be soon fixed, Obama says on the news this afternoon. BUT…I have some other great news I want to share with you. Today I’ve created a special blog specifically for the world publication of my spiritual autobiography, formerly known as “dharma brat” and now retitled “Outsider One” (requested by a few who troubled with the title, for those who were already attached to the old title, sigh).

so please—fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a blast off story. I will be uploading chapter by chapter, and there are quite a few of them. Hopefully I’ll find a publisher before we get to the end, but —hey, what the hey! i don’t care if i end up publishing the entire book via my blog. It’s a good way for the whole world to see it, read it, enjoy it, and it lasts forever in cyberspace (won’t rot like a funky ol’ book, won’t disappear if you drop your kindle overboard, har har).

please click on the link to read Chapter 1– Cause and Effect:

enjoy, and of course, i’ll be giving you new Lordflea posts whenver I possibly can. Dear friends, thank you for your support these last two years. it means a lot to me, and i hope you’ve enjoyed singing a song of oneness with Lordflea, too!

in the Light, lordflea

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