BE Love

The 4th chakra, the heart region

The 4th chakra, the heart region

If this invitation sounds like a command, so be it. I can’t stress how important it is to let your heart chakra open. When you have done the preparatory work (review chakras 1-3 in previous posts) you will have, by now, embarked upon the “Purification Process.”

This only happens for those who WANT to know Oneness. Oneness is another name for Love, the unattached, un-objectified variety. Love is also known as God, and for those who call themselves seekers, spiritual, or children of God, Love is like the air we breathe. Love IS Spirit. The other types of people, those not interested in knowing Spirit say, quite frankly, “I don’t give a damn, Scarlett!”

And that’s okay. If this world were filled with everyone open-hearted, open-minded, what an ever so dull world this would be. In fact, it wouldn’t be Earth. Because, from time immemorial, we humans have known nothing but strife, hardship, and challenges to hurdle over on our quests to know Spirit. Some say that Earth is like a spiritual school that souls are sent to, before they can become truly set free from the physical bond, i.e., the body, in which their spirit dwells.

I don’t know about that precisely. But hey, why not! Stranger things have been found to be true. Like the “Light” that all people who are revived from having experienced death actually say they went to, usually through a tunnel. They arrive at “the other side” and “see” the similarly described Light. Thousands of these experiences are recorded. They see the Light and then are yanked back into their bodies, usually with the message, “It’s not your time yet, Rhett.”

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Allow your your frozen heart to melt

The greatest thing that’s ever happened to me has been to experience my heart opening. After that happened, all things became possible. I fell in love for the first time in my life; I married the man of my heart, we are a family, and we are living happily ever after. When my heart-opening happened, believe me, I knew it. Life forever afterwards has taken on a different perspective.

A person who has survived death (returned from being “dead”) is called an NDE (Near Death Experience). Their lives are usually forever changed, also. This sort of person, whether they talk openly about it or not, has a strong belief in Spirit, because, well, they’ve experienced “It” first hand. After experiencing what awaits for all of us at the end of our physical life here on earth, once an NDE gets “yanked back” from the Light, they all have a drastically altered outlook on life.

The same holds true for heart-opened folks. So make up your mind. You certainly don’t have to wait for something as radical as approaching death to happen for you to embrace what’s inevitably going to be part of your life, at the very end if not sooner. Embrace the experience of your once closed, or half-closed heart, fully opening.

Compassion HEALS All Wounds

Carry the banner of your Big OPEN Heart!

My meditation teacher tells us, “The reason we meditate is to experience a ‘mini-death.’ Because in the state of non-thought, when we visit the state of pure awareness without the associated mental gymnastics attached to our usual understanding, meditation is the reverse of this … when you sit to meditate it’s like agreeing to die a little bit, right then. Our ego dies a little more. Until eventually we are left with full awareness, pure clear consciousness, unobstructed Oneness. And the more we practice our mini-deaths by meditating, the more we’re prepared to live full and happy lives! And of course, the easier it will be to make the last transformation that happens at the end of our physical life. Our actual deaths.”

What I’ve written above is a paraphrase of what the meditation teacher taught us, her students. So my friends, I advise you to meditate as much as you can if you wish to experience the opening of your heart chakra. And chant as much as you can, also. Chanting, singing the sacred Names of the Divine in whatever discipline or culture to which you adhere, is one a powerful tool, a spiritual discipline that stills the mind and opens the heart. Vibrating with sound prepares us for a deep experience in meditation. The vibration of the heart chakra, set off by making sound within ourselves — is so beneficial. I can’t begin to describe how wonderful it is, to chant in a group especially! I regularly chant with our sangham, a group of seekers, and have hosted such gatherings for many years, both in my home and in a local yoga studio.


Make the sound of Ommmmm

A simple chant of Ommmmm (the “seed” mantra) is a lovely place to start. You can pronounce it A-u-m if you want to be more Sanskrit-correct, but Om works. The mantra associated with the heart chakra is Yam. The affirmation is “I am love.” The color associated with this chakra is brilliantly sparkling, emerald green. Yam is a splendid sound to make. I like to think of it as Yummy Yam (the way I remember Yam associated with the heart, which feels so warm and expansive when we eat something yummy, or spend time with someone who feels yummy delicious to be with).

Let me know how your Big Heart is feeling right now. This is the part of you that’s connected to ALL. I’m not talking about your actually thump-thumping muscle-organ called “heart” here. The heart chakra is the “psychic organ” called by spiritual teachers throughout the world, our Big Heart.

I love painting and drawing it. Here’s my version once again. Envision this gigantic burst of love within your chest in your heart region. Let its fullness fill your entire chest cavity. This chakra is also called the “cave of the heart.” Open your dark cave. Let pure Love shine its Light within you. Open to this magnificent, all-encompassing Beingness.


fill yourSelf with LOVE

Be LOVE … let your Big Heart OPEN

Please leave me a note here and tell me how your heart region feels today. Open, or stuck? I’d like to hear from you. Thanks.

And don’t forget to visit for the whole picture … of who LordFlea really is.

Lovingly, with my Big Heart bridged to yours,

I am LordFlea, aka teZa Lord

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  1. BE Love | Spiritual Writers Network on July 11, 2017 at 10:50 pm

    […] The mantra associated with the heart chakra is Yam. The affirmation is "I am love." The color associated with this chakra is brilliantly sparkling, emerald green. Yam is a splendid sound to make. I like to think of it as Yummy Yam (the way I remember Yam associated with the heart, which feels so warm and expansive when we eat something yummy, or spend time with someone who feels yummy delicious to be with). Continue reading this post on my spiritual blog […]

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