Make an authentic and tantalizingly delicious papaya Costa Rican “batido,” a fruit smoothie with protein

Batido de fruta fresca al modo costaricense:

First you have to find a REALLY GOOD protein powder to use. I prefer Whey over Soy, but this is my preference. Just experiment and most importantly, make sure it doesn’t contain too much, or no sugar at all. I prefer vanilla flavor, but chocolate will do and is good for variety. Start with your empty blender as your “measuring” … I usually make two large batidos at once, but if you’re doing just one, halve this recipe.

Two bananas (for two servings)
A good portion of fresh papaya per person (about 3/4 cup, cut up); make sure papaya is thoroughly ripe.
Add any other fruit if you wish (this morning I added mango)
Squirt in just a little honey to taste (to help keep allergies at bay use local honey)
One capful of vanilla extract
1 generous scoop of protein powder per serving (I think mine contains 2 Tablespoons, and usually accompanies protein product)
Make sure to save room for at least 1/2 cup of ice cubes (just enough to make it frothy and cool but not tooooo icy)
Now fill the empty spaces with milk (I use 2% lactaid, but any will do)
Leave at least 1/2 inch space at top to allow for air-expansion while blending
Blend away! At least 30 seconds to get a good blend.
Enjoy and think of me, lying on a sandy white beach right next to you.
(You can do this with ONLY papaya, or papaya with simply a banana added. You must use papaya to make the drink’s texture thicken.)

your pal, lordflea

singin’ and drinkin’ batidos with everyone, enjoying good health, mine and yours

buen salud parati

buen salud parati

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