sign up here to be a spiritual warrior!

hello friend,

sorry for the typos in this post: i am crippled with a tech problem, soon to be fixed (via wordpress, my host). thanks for your patience and tolerance, dear literate reader.

i guess you know by now that once a week is the rhythm of my newest my blog entry. until i work out some technical difficulties, i’m keeping my entries short. wordpress, who hosts my blog, has changed its format and so when i’m typing to you, i have to do so somewhat blinded, so to speak, meaning i can’t fully see my screen because all the new bells and whistles are covering up where i type, upload my images, etc.

isn’t this often the case in life? we try to improve ourselves, or our society, or, in this case, our internet offerings, and often we end up complicating or confusing things beyond the pall.

so today i’m briefly touching on the subject of how i came to think of myself as a SPIRITUAL WARRIOR…and what that means, and how i dare claim that “title” after many attempts in failing that responsibility. and also, for those of you who are interested, how to become a spiritual warrior your own self.

here’s a couple of my drawings depicting what it feels like to be a spiritual warrior.


there's always hope

there's always hope

so let’s see: of course when i converse with others through visuals i’m hoping enough of you “get it” without me having to verbalize the meaning behind the image. because…guess what!! sometimes i simply can’t “explain” what an image truly is about. but in this case, i’ll try.

the first is simply my spoof of what’s most important in life. not cash, not power, not even politics…but…quite simply, to live In Spirit, and do the next right thing, which can only be determined when one “listens” and “obeys” the inner voice that manifests in all of us, when we are aligned with the One. The ONE LIFE is the unifying energy throughout the Universe, not our own single, little life, but the big powerful, all-inclusive, all-pervading life force that is within and without all that is. Energy. the Chi. the Holy Spirit. the Kundalini Shakti…prana, Qi, wowie-zowie, whatever you call it. and yes…many do call it “God” although i think that name is waaaaaaay chaged with too many dogmas, too many arguments, and too many control trips. so we’ll just call this energy, this “cash” we deal with in spirituality, as the IT.

the second drawing represents the various stages one goes through in acquiring the “right” to call oneself a spiritual warrior. first comes the desire to be a steward of the land, a guardian of humanity’s right to evolve, and all that those choices incur: being judged by others, being considered weird, or…in the olden days, even a pagan, a witch or magician or shaman. hey! i’m okay with all those names. at birth we all know life is magical. then we start the “dance”…and some of us forget the magic. so we go off on our tangents of sensuality, ownership, and needing to be “right.” so we get out of step with the magic. then, in time, we are confronted with choices. and some of us choose to once again embrace the magic of life.

and if you do, consider yourself signed up to be a spiritual warrior. that’s all it takes. amen, and ahhhh-women, and you’ve taken your first step to being an official steward of righteousness: i am that. so’ham. hamso.

i’ll share more about the spiritual warrior way of life. i’m writing about it in my book, so that’s why i can’t update my blog more often. you’ll see my book out soon if all goes well.

be well, live and love and laugh a LOT,

in the Light, lordflea

ps. i had a comment today that surprised me. it was an old friend of timothy plowman’s, a dear heart of mine, and so now i’m curious: the commenter said he’d found lordflea from googling tim’s name. so here are a few other people i’m quite knowledgeable about, and will write about from time to time…so let’s see who finds lordflea now…the secret is getting closer to the surface, eh maties! wheeeee, i love a riddle! timothy plowman, hundertwasser, phil jackson, tomas sanchez, wade davis, neil walk,

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